How I can setup an online connection via USB-Cable or DECT?

Here the installation under Windows XP is shown as an example. For other Windows Versions the procedure is more or less the same. There are multiple possibilities to make an online connection. We assume that the drivers are already installed. We will show how to setup with any Internet Service Provider. The description is valid for the USB cable and wireless DECT connection.

  • Click on “Start” – “Settings” – “Control Panel” – “Network Connections”.
  • Select the option ”Create a new connection” and follow the dialog.
  • Under “Network Connection Type” select the option ”Connect to the Internet”.
  • Under “Getting Ready” select the option “Set up my connection manually”.
  • Under “Internet Connection” select the option “Connect using dial-up modem”.
  • Under “Select a device” select the preferred modem(s) “ISDN channel – ISDN WAN…”. It depends on you, if you select one or two modems. (If two modems are selected for an online connection two ISDN channel will be allocated.)
  • Under “Connection Name” enter the internet provider’s name.
  • Under “Phone Number to Dial” enter the Internet service providers phone number.
  • Enter the Internet Account Information.
  • Finish the Dialog with „Finish".

The connection is now ready to go “Online”.