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How can I extend my Gigaset elements system?

You can already upgrade your starter kit with door and window sensors, motion detectors, an alarm siren and a camera:

 - door is the door sensor: He tells your smartphone, when somebody leaves or enters your home. It also alerts you in the app if somebody tries to open the door violently. If this happens, he emits a noise to draw attention.
- window is the window sensor. He informs you if a window gets opened, closed or tilted. It also alerts you, if a window gets opened, when nobody should be at home.
- motion is the motion detector. It detects movements in a room and notifies you, if somebody moves inside your home although you don´t want any company.
- siren is the alarm siren. If your Gigaset elements system recognizes a break-in, it will release a loud deterrent noise.
- camera is the new sense for your Gigaset elements system. In case of a notification you are now able to observe the incident immediately via your app. The recording function gives you the possibility to save events in the cloud for later observation.

In the future Gigaset elements will be constantly expanded by new features and functions to make your life easier. Simply sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date with those developments.