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Charging problems at warm environments

To provide a gentle charging of the handset batteries, the charging control switches off the charging of the portable handsets when a surrounding temperature of 30° - 35° degrees celsius has been reached. This is equivalent to a battery heat of about 40 - 45 ° Celsius.

The switching off of the charging process is a demand of the battery manufacturer as the battery may affect a permanent damage if being overheated.

  • The customer should avoid to expose the device to direct solar radiation
  • The charging of the handset should be done at night if possible
  • The base station or charging unit should be placed in a cool place
  • The usage of a seperate charger is advisable.
  • These chargers can be placed, regardless from the base stations installation location, in some colder areas at the residence.
  • A replacement of the handset is not helpful at all and should be avoided in any case.