Gigaset AML: Alarm, Messaging and Location
AML in warehouse logistics
In warehouse logistics, Gigaset AML improves workflows in a number of deployment scenarios. For example, workers in the cooling area are reminded about warm-up breaks, and faults in the process cycle of highly automated warehouses are reported to mobile service teams. Colour coding and icons provide at a glance information on priority levels and info categories. In situations of high urgency, they warn users with alarm ringtones, even during ongoing calls.
Examples of alarms:
“Please take a warm-up break”
“Accident with automated guided vehicle”
“Emergency at Belt 4 in Building 7”

AML in manufacturing industries and logistics
At food factories, chemical plants, container ports and comparable businesses, cleaners, security personnel and others working alone often carry out dangerous work. In emergencies, they can trigger alarms by pressing a button on their Gigaset S700H PRO and R700H PRO handsets. Alarms are sent to first-aiders and a predefined group of responders, the workflow is coordinated and, depending on hazard situation, a necessary evacuation is facilitated.
Examples of alarms:
“Hazardous situation in Section A”
“Fire in Workshop 1”
“Escape of hazardous substance in Sector 9”
AML in the healthcare system
In hospitals, A&E departments, psychiatric wards and at care providers/institutes, Gigaset AML offers many indispensable, often life-saving applications. In conjunction with a messaging/alarm server, the N870 IP PRO delivers messages to the handset and retrieves replies from the staff member in question. If this person, in a hospital or care home for example, is not able to answer a patient’s call, the server keeps the call active in the rest of the team until the call is answered. A voice connection can also be established quickly.
Examples of alarms:
“Heart alarm in A&E”
“Aggressive patient in Room 123”
“Emergency in Section B. Staff member not responding”

AML in banking
In an industry where security is paramount, Gigaset AML is the ideal system to provide optimal protection to security guards and other workers working alone, using the silent alarm for example. In the event a permanent standby team needs to be contacted reliably or an emergency conference call needs to be initiated, the alarm server is able to cut into the existing connections of all those involved.
Examples of alarms:
“Hazardous situation in the reception area”
“Emergency in Section B. Staff member not responding”
“Red button alarm“: Armed robbery in Branch 3”
AML in scenarios spanning industries
One function of Gigaset AML that is important for all industries is the ability of the alarm server to query exact location data for the handset. The new DECT handsets in the Professional family (R700H PRO, S700H PRO, SL800H PRO) then send a Bluetooth signal within the DECT environment. This enables very accurate determination of the location - a prerequisite for speedy, targeted assistance. Even faults posing risks to the smooth operation of building automation installations, such as air-conditioning, fire alarm and door closing systems, are reported automatically.
Examples of alarms:
“Safety door 4b in Section C open”
“Fault with the air outlet conduit”
“Valve on Machine 15 not closing”
“Smoke detected in Room 11”