What is the argument for sustainability?

The short answer is: everything. There is no way around sustainability. That is why so much is written, spoken and debated about this subject. For us at Gigaset, sustainability is not a buzzword but an ongoing process: we are keen to constantly improve, protect the environment, conserve resources and pay attention to quality, recycling and regionality.

For the environment: use green electricity, conserve resources

Environmental protection and profitability need not be mutually exclusive. We see this day in and day out at Gigaset: for example, our plant in Bocholt operates 100% on CO2-free green electricity and as little water as possible. This conserves important resources. 

The devices we manufacture are also resource-saving: in addition to recycled plastic, we primarily use pure plastic granulate, which is completely recyclable and can be fed back into the cycle. Thanks to the introduction of energy-saving mains adapters, Gigaset DECT phones use up to 60% less power than conventional cordless phones. Reduced transmission power in ECO mode – a technology developed by Gigaset – can help to make additional energy savings. This pays off for everyone.

Forever: durable products, packaged in an environmentally friendly way

Sustainable products last for a long time. Using products for as long as possible improves the ecological balance. Incidentally, the ecological balance of our products is first-rate: Gigaset devices are built to a high quality so that you can enjoy them for many years to come. Regular, extensive checks are carried out in our own test laboratory to ensure that this is the case. A lifespan of over 10 years is not uncommon for our fixed-line telephones: longevity also means sustainability.

We are not only concerned about our products, but also how they are transported. Because paper is an important raw material, Gigaset’s packaging is made from more than 90% recycled materials. Gigaset has largely banned plastic from its product packaging, replacing it with paper tapes or sleeves made from tissue paper in an environmentally friendly manner. 

We have also optimised our packaging sizes: they have been adapted even more closely to our products – so they are no larger than they need to be. This also has an impact on transport: our products are transported without any unnecessary air. And the new Gigaset packaging will be gradually converted to be CO2 neutral.

For the climate: shorten transport routes, reduce greenhouse gases

If you want to act sustainably, you also need to address transport and logistics: this is where most of the emissions that are harmful to the climate usually occur. So it can only be a matter of shorter routes and flexible delivery quantities. Gigaset’s production is based in the centre of Germany, in the heart of Europe: this gives us a decisive advantage over all our competitors. Greenhouse gases are therefore significantly reduced in comparison with competitor products from the Far East.

Gigaset’s location also offers another benefit: in many cases, if something breaks you can have the damage repaired at our premises in Bocholt or by our partners on site. Important components such as batteries, displays and cameras are also interchangeable in many of our devices. Of course, the service life of Gigaset’s devices is not artificially shortened by the manufacturer (so-called obsolescence) either. After all, you should be able to enjoy your device for as long as possible.

For all: meet standards, certify systems

At Gigaset, the areas of environmental protection, human rights, fair business practices and sustainable procurement are reviewed internally. But we go one step further and also undergo external certification. We are committed to meeting the standards of sustainability management set by EcoVadis. And we’re succeeding: Gigaset currently holds the EcoVadis gold seal. When it comes to environmental protection, too, regular checks are carried out by the TÜV: Gigaset's environmental management system is certified to ISO 14001.

As part of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), we publish the CO2 emissions of our company and our products (Scope 1 to 3). This already shows the impact of our numerous measures. From 2020 to 2021, we were able to reduce CO2 emissions by more than half (51%).

What does the future have in store?

No one knows exactly what the future will bring. But what we do know is that if we protect our environment, conserve resources and pay attention to our fellow human beings, the years and decades ahead will be better. Despite its commitment to the cause, Gigaset still has a long way to go before it reaches its destination. We can and must become even better, constantly questioning ourselves. After all, transparency and honesty are also part of "Fair for Future".

Above all: improve processes, forge plans

Gigaset is the only European company that manufactures innovative telephones, smartphones and innovative communication solutions for business customers in Germany. We are proud of this fact. In order to manufacture our products, we still have to purchase components from the Far East or from other regions of the world, such as microchips and storage media. It is not always possible to fully monitor their manufacturing processes and supply chains. Gigaset therefore strives to make the preliminary stages transparent and to further optimise them. We are constantly facing new challenges and are continually working on innovative ideas.

On-site: optimise processes, continue to optimise

"Fair for Future" also means that we are constantly optimising our workflows. Among other things, we are keen to reduce hazardous substances in our Bocholt plant and further optimise energy consumption at all our Gigaset sites. Noise and CO2 emissions are also to be significantly reduced, for example through a gradual switch to electric drives in the factory. The further prevention of waste and even greater use of recycled products are also on the agenda. Our wish is also for our environmental and social standards to be extended to our suppliers and partners. Because the more "Fair for Future" takes hold, the better it is.

Our non-financial group report

You can find out more about our sustainability activities in detail in our Sustainability Report.

More about "Fair for Future"
